Hello there crafty friends!

Today I would like to share with you a card I made for my dad for Father’s day!

In Poland Father’s day is on 23rd June so I had to actually tell my dad to not look at my blog for a few days! I didn’t want to spoil the surprise! I guess I will just send the card earlier – he might as well be happier earlier šŸ™‚

I used the wild west theme because my dad likes westerns. I just loved this image by Milk coffee – Sheriff Bobby, and I though he was perfect for this card. Well yes the card idea came AFTER I saw this image naturally šŸ˜‰

I came up with an idea of a sunset background but I did not want to add it all over the card so this was the solution. Oval shapes kind of a picture in a black frame or a window you can think of it as you wish, after all he is in the wild west that could be a window just as well!

I did not have any stamps to coordinate with my idea so I hand drown the cactuses and printed out the sentiment using Playbill font. I masked blended distress inks to create the sunset – there is always a nice sunset in the western! Unless you are watching a black and white film in which case you need your imagination OR this card!! šŸ™‚

Anyways I hope you like it I usually struggle with creating cards that use big images, I never know what to do with the background so this idea put a smile on my face! If you are curious how I coloured the image and assembled the card scroll down to the video tutorial!



Video tutorial:

I am entering this card in the following challenges:

Paper Players #248 – Masculine cardĀ 

Addicted to stamps and more #148 – holiday

Creative Moments – challenge 70 – AG father’s day

Dream Valley – #108 Father’s Day challenge

2 Cute Ink – Father’s Day theme

Crafty Sentiments – for a man

Digichoosday – father’s day/maleĀ 

Passion forĀ Pro markers – challenge – masculine

Crafter’s Cafe – Anything Goes

Simply Create Too – challenge 87 – MasculineĀ 

Patties Creations Challenge –Ā Father’s Day

Thank you so much for stopping by! If you could leave a comment that would mean a lot to me!

Have a great day!
