Coffee madness :)

Hi there!

Just a quick post, my last minute entry to the



By the way I love this logo image :))) I wish I could be on the beach right now!

So without further ado …

Here are 3 cards I made, mainly because of an error, I filmed the whole thing but it is way too late to edit today so hopefully tomorrow you will be able to see that live and learn process:)

I used Lawn Fawn stamp set Love you a latte and simply went nuts with all the images of coffee haha

I played around with masking, some of it did not turn out right, which you will see on the video and then I corrected it. I wanted one coffee to me up front while others are surrounding it and some are behind. So the card I was going for it the “everything is better with a friends” card. Banner is from “lawn Fawn Bannerific and sentiment from Hero Arts stamp set – friends


The colours on this cards are insanely vibrant – I used Stabilo pens here without water – I do not know what kind of coffee that is but man, sure gives you a kick with those colours haha

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Second card is the “mistake card” that I covered up with two coffee cups up front 😀

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And the last one is a last moment idea, where it looks like the coffee cups are buried in the sand on the beach, you can barely see the blue sky, that’s cause I took pictured with a flash :-/ sorry believe me it is there 🙂 kind of simple but fun card I kind of miss something there in the I look at it, but it sure it summery 🙂

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Video tutorial using masking technique:

I enjoyed making these are I will add the video soon so you can see what you can do and what not to do with masking 😉

Entering the sandy card in Summer Coffee Lovers Blog Hop

thanks so much for stopping by!
