Birthday card with distress ink background

Hi there!

I would like to share with you a card I made using distress inks to make a background. I wanted to incorporate the butterflies in this project somehow as there are many challenges at the moment that want you to include some. I had a few ideas and this here is one of them. I blended distress inks and also created a rainbow effect. I just love how well these inks blend and create different colours. I mainly used 4 colours but then ended up adding a bit of Spiced Marmalade to add more orange.

I stamped and heat embossed my butterflies and fussy cut them leaving a little white border around them and then added them on the front of my card along with the heat embossed sentiment.






Here is the video tutorial for this card I made for my you tube channel:

Here is the list of supplies I used:

Distress Inks: Mustard Seed, Spiced Marmalade, Picked Raspberry, Salty Ocean and Crushed Olive

Versa Fine – onyx black ink

clear embossing powder – Papermania

Neenah desert storm card stock – card base

Neenah Solar white card stock – card front

Hero Arts stamp set – happy birthday sentiment (cannot remember the name of the set)

Stitched Borders die – Lawn Fawn

I would like to enter this card in the following challenges:

The Card Concept – inspirational picture

Simon Says Stamp Work It Wednesday challenge – rainbow

Addicted to CAS – challenge #65 – butterfly 

Inky Chicks – challenge £52 – butterflies

Seize the Birthday – Animals

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Thank you for visiting!
Have a great and crafty day!
